Makes: small 15 tortillas


  • 1 3/4 cup masa harina
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 lime, squeezed


  1. Thoroughly combine ingredients and knead until smooth and pliable. Sprinkle with water to adjust moisture.

  2. Preheat skillet to medium-high.

  3. Divide dough into 15 equal balls and press into tortillas between sheets of plastic wrap.

  4. Lightly brown each side, keep ready tortillas warm and moist by covering with a towel.


  • The lime can be replaced with 2tbsp of lime juice if fresh limes are not available.

  • A tortilla press is the “correct” way to make tortillas, but a rolling pin, plate or your hands can do it just fine with a bit of elbow grease,