Barcelona is a fascinating city, with a mix of modern and historic architecture.

The Sagrada Familia cathedral
The Sagrada Familia has been under intermittent construction since 1882

The hostel I stayed at was quite interesting, the building had originally been a school, and was converted into a hostel. Because of this, there was much more spacious common areas than most hostels. It was also only a short walk from the beach, and directly next to a metro station.

I started my Halloween off by going to the Barcelona Aquarium. I didn’t expect it to be very busy on a Monday morning, but the place was packed.

Image sequence of different fish
There were many fishes, in lots of cool habitats
Submerged Halloween decorations in the aquarium
There were many spooky decorations, and most of the lights were dimmed.
A human conveyor belt
Instead of walking through the underwater tubes, there were conveyors that slowly moved everyone underneath the large aquarium

After visiting the aquarium, I met up with some other travelers at noon for a Halloween/birthday party. We stayed at the beach until past midnight, then went out to find a Halloween street party to join. It was a very fun Halloween, swimming and relaxing all day, then partying all night.

The view of Barcelona from the bunker after sunset
A breathtaking view from the bunker

The next afternoon, I met with the same group, and we hiked up to an old bunker. It has the best view of the city, and we watched the sun set over Barcelona. Afterwards, we went to a tapas bar and hung out into the evening.